Ms. Juanita Walters
Phone Number: (516) 434-2871
CSE Chairperson
Ms. Kim Conger
The Valley Stream District Twenty-four Pupil Services Department is dedicated to providing the supports and services necessary to ensure the needs of all students with disabilities are met. We are committed to following the regulations set forth by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In order to serve all of our students, the District has developed a wide range of programs and services to educate our students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. These programs and services include resource room, integrated co-teaching classes, special classes, counseling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. By providing these services, we can ensure each student receives a free and appropriate public education. The Pupil Services Department works throughout the year to meet the needs of the students with disabilities through their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Support is provided for eligible students beginning at age three through the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE). We work with the Nassau County Department of Health to provide programs and services for children ages three through five who qualify under the CPSE regulations. When a student is of school age (turning five) they can transition to the Committee on Special Education (CSE) and continue to receive support from the Pupil Services Department, if eligible, through 6th grade graduation. If the student is still eligible at that time, the Valley Stream District 24 team meets with the Valley Stream Central High School District team to ensure a smooth transition of services and support.
The Committee on Special Education (CSE) or the Committee on Pre-school Special Education (CPSE) meets at least annually to review a student's progress towards his or her IEP goals. Using information on his or her progress and present levels of performance, the Committee will determine if the student still qualifies as a student with a disability, and if so, review the student’s needs, creating new goals to continue the progress. Once eligibility and needs are reestablished, the Committee determines what program and services are required to meet the IEP goals in the least restrictive environment. For some students with disabilities, a regular education program with support services may be the most appropriate level of support. For others, a special class program may be the most appropriate level of support.
While we are a kindergarten through 6th grade district, our programs were created to support the district's mission "to create a learning environment that challenges each student to become a self-sufficient, cooperative, responsible, and contributing member of a global society and encourages each to achieve his/her highest potential.” We want to assure that all students exit our programs with the ability to, as independently as possible, be an integral and productive member of their community.
Any parent or guardian who suspects that his or her preschool child is in need of special education services due to a disability may request an evaluation by the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE).
In order to process any CPSE referral, parents/guardians are required to register their preschool child with the school district. Please see the link below to register your child with Valley Stream School District Twenty-four.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Traci Ritterband, CPSE Chairperson, via email at
The Valley Stream Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA) is an organization that promotes parents and teachers working together for the mutual benefit of students. Activities include organizing special events for students, fundraising for scholarships, exchanging ideas, and working together to achieve a common goal – success for every student. The Valley Stream SEPTA includes districts 13, 24, 30, and the Central High School. We encourage all parents, guardians, and teachers to join!
2024-2025 SEPTA Officers:
President: Katrina Gordon
Secretary: June Innella
Treasurer: Alexandra Browne-Martin