Throughout the school year, school psychologists and social workers in Valley Stream 24 will be teaching kindergarten through sixth grade classes lessons about keeping themselves safe. Under “Erin’s Law”, all New York State public schools are required to implement a prevention-oriented child abuse program to provide students with the tools needed for personal safety and to provide a nurturing and caring environment open for disclosure of any incidents. Input on the lessons, as in the past, was provided by the district’s administrators, school psychologists, school social workers, and parents.
During the school year, students will be presented with lessons in their classrooms to meet the requirements of Erin’s Law through the combined efforts of our social workers and psychologists. The following concepts will be discussed:
● The difference between safe and unsafe secrets
● The differences between safe/comfortable vs. unsafe/uncomfortable touch
● Awareness of body ownership
● Assertive actions that they can take (e.g., stating “No”, “Stop”, No-Go-Tell)
● Talking to trusted adults
We have ensured that our lessons are age-appropriate and use student-friendly language to approach this legally mandated topic. If you would like additional information, please click the links below.